Dear anyone,
I haven't written for a couple of days because I haven't had anything to say.
My cold has gone, but that is the only thing that has changed over the last 48 hours. I did wonder if these ailments I've been getting could in anyway be down to the Gilenya, but it is probably more to do with the fact it is nearly October and I am still sitting around in shorts and a T-shirt. Well I was, but I'm not now.
I noticed that I referred to the drug as Gilenya. That's a first. I've been following Fingolimod for a good few years - since it was at the stage 2 trial stage. It has been Fingolimod for 5 or 6 years, so I'll forget about the brand name.
I was chatting to a friend at the pub last night. She has MS too and she calls it Gilenya, so that's probably why it's in my head.
Apologies for the waffle, but I felt the need to write something, anything...
Best Regards,
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