Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Week 12

I've hit the 3 month mark. 12 weeks of Gilenya and I am definitely noticing some changes.

You may have observed that I call it Gilenya now and not Fingolimod anymore. Then again, you more than likely haven't. It says Gilenya on the box, so Gilenya it is. Fingolimod was the name of the drug when it was in trial form. Anyway, who cares, right?

I am still experiencing better bladder control and my bowels are nice and regular too. I am just hoping my balance improves. And my legs too, they're my Achilles heel these days. Ha! It's almost ironic. But seriously, my legs have really gone downhill since the summer.

I would even say that the weakness in my legs and my balance is so bad that the thought of me being in a relapse has crossed my mind over the last few days. I am falling over on a daily basis and although I haven't had any nasty falls, a few have been 'lucky'.

This blog is supposed to be about noticed changes, and here I am banging on about symptoms that have got worse!

I can only end this entry with questions - Am I having a relapse? Does that mean the Gilenya isn't working for me? Can some symptoms get better, whilst some are getting worse? answers on a postcard please?

Lets hope I can tell you the answers next time I write. (Check me and my cliffhanger out!)



  1. No cheating now
    Do you know why the Achilles heel is so called?

  2. I don't have answers for you.

    But, I've been on Gilenya since 2007 (when we only knew it as Fingolimod) via drug trial. I still get it through the trial.

    I never saw what the real packaging looks like until this post. The girl in me is excited that it's pink.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Hi Beth,

      You've been on Fingolimod for over 4 years. I trust it's been good to you.

      I don't think anybody can answer my questions, except for MY body, so I'll just have to wait and see.

      Sorry to disappoint you, but the packaging is cream and red.

