Thursday 31 January 2013

Week 21

In last weeks Blog I put up a link to the advert I did for Coloplast. When I say link, I mean the URL. For some reason, Blogger didn't convert it into a hyperlink. If you couldn't be bothered to copy and paste it into your address bar, fear not, as you didn't miss much. I don't even know why I posted it, to be honest. It has nothing to do with Gilenya. Maybe I was full of my own self-importance that day.

To continue my theme of self-importance, I am going to stick up a picture (X-ray) of my arm. I broke it in the summer when I fell over one evening - sober. It needed an operation. They put a plate in it, to hold the bone together. I spent almost a month in hospital and for the majority of that time, they didn't move me. When they eventually got the physio involved, I was in a right mess. I couldn't even stand up. In those 3 weeks, the muscles in my legs had withered away. I thought things were hard before the accident - I used a crutch to walk when I was outside the house, but now they were really difficult. I have managed to get some of the strength back, but it is taking a long time.

Since I came out of hospital, I've had a relapse. It was probably the trauma of the fall that triggered it. Unfortunately, the oral steroids only worked for as long as I was taking them. There seems to be a fair bit leftover too. Disease progression. I am using my wheelchair a fair bit when I'm out of the house now. Oh well, what can you do, eh? We just have to get on with it; to grin and bare it. Life could be so much worse. My children are both well, and happy and that's my priority.

Still, my fatigue is minimal, so I could be a whole lot worse. In fact after a busy day - by my standards, I am laying here on the bed finishing this blog off. The time is 01:50 AM and I am wide awake.

Another bit of crap news that I do have is that I fell over twice on Saturday. Well, when I say fell, it wasn't a loss of balance issue, but just a case of my legs giving up, waving the white flag and me slumping to the floor. Both times involved me getting out of/ or into the car. Transferring issues! That's a total of 5 falls in January.

For my Physio, I've got some leg strengthening exercises as a part of it and I've been doing them religiously all week. I also do core stability and shoulder exercises as well. I can't manage the whole lot everyday, as it is too tiring, and if I do too much, I suffer the next day, so at the moment, I'm concentrating on just the legs for a short while. Lets see how I fare with my walking this weekend.

Have a good one.


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