Tuesday 18 September 2012

Day 14. 2 weeks - 18.9.12

Hello somebody,

Today is the day I have officially hit the two week mark on Fingolimod. 14 tablets, I've taken as of today.

I haven't experienced any side effects, and putting a positive spin on it, I don't expect too either.

As previously mentioned, I did notice a need to use to toilet at night, but I can report that I have been fine for the last few nights, confirming my belief that it was the Magnesium Citrate making me wee and not the Fingolimod.

I have also observed the pins and needles in my hands has lessend, as has the numbness over the last few days. At one point on Sunday night, my hands felt completely normal. It felt amazing. They stayed like it for over an hour too.

Now you are probably thinking what I first thought - steroids? But over the 7 years since my diagnosis, I have had steroids on 7 or 8 occasions and they have never done that to me before. Maybe it is the 'placebo effect'? Maybe it is because 2 weeks must be too soon for the drug to be working its magic already. And lets not forget that these disease modifying drugs are not designed to make you better, they are designed to slow down the rate you get worse. Having said that, when I started taking interferons, they sped us my disease progression and when I switched to Tysabri, I improved quite dramatically, so I can be positive about hoping Fingolimod will actually improve things.

I am living proof that MS drugs don't do just 'what is says on the tin'

Take good care,


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